Our Community Day Year Our Community Day program grounds itself in four core principles, the sharing of beauty and kindness, the expression of gratitude and the communal rejoicing in celebrations. As stewards of our local community and land, the children on Community Day are given relevant and enlivened opportunities for learning and accomplishments within the school and community. As we envision the sustainable community that is our school, we are finding ways to strengthen and grow our relationships. We are social innovators as well as caretakers of our space, filling it with art and love and a deep sense of connectedness and home. We started in September meeting each other and feeling the space around us. We learned a new song and travelled around the Hardini Centre sharing our joy and planting seeds for future connections. Cooperatively in small groups, we created nature sculptures with found objects. We met the caretaker of the year, a Grandmother flower tender that quietly guided our year through the pillars we created. We made bouquets and spread them around the Hardini centre, meeting our neighbours and offering beauty and kindness.